The U9 (formerly U8 - Tyke) age division is for players born 2017-2018. The 2025 registration fees are $245.00.
The U9 season is set up as follows:
U9 teams have two practices per week (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday)
U9 teams typically play two games a week (Saturdays) between April and June
U9 teams will be required to travel within southern Alberta for approx. 50% of games
The U9 division does not participate in Playoffs or Provincials, however have traditionally participated in a Tournament; more information will be provided as and when available
U9 require full gear. Visual guidelines of gear expectations are available here
The purpose of U9 is to introduce, reinforce, emphasize, and develop the fundamental skills of lacrosse. The focus of skill sessions as well as games is to promote an environment that encourages participation, skill development, and overall enjoyment of the game.