The Lethbridge Lacrosse Association is always looking to add sponsors and support to our Floorbusters Tournament.
Please contact the LLA Director of Tournaments Dawn Thomas to discuss options for your company, service or product to be featured / showcased during our annual tournament.
Coaching Clinic - Competitive Introduction Clinic Day 1
Big Marble Go Centre - Medicine Hat
Required for all first year coaches and both head coaches and assistants in U15 and U17 divisions.
Come Try Lacrosse - Free
Servus Soccer Center - Lethbridge
🔥 Come Try Lacrosse Event - No Experience Needed! 🔥 Want to try a fast, exciting sport this spring? Lacrosse is calling!
Coaching Clinic - Competitive Introduction Clinic Day 2
South Alberta Collegiate - Medicine Hat
Required for all first year coaches and both head coaches and assistants in U15 and U17 divisions.