Do you need financial assistance for sport registration fees?
It is the goal of KidSport Lethbridge to provide positive sport opportunities to children and families that are in need or in low-income situations. KidSport Lethbridge strives to overcome the financial obstacles that prevent some young people from experiencing the positive impact of sport. Giving young people the opportunity to choose the sport that has the most value to them allows KidSport Lethbridge to promote a greater sense of belonging, personal involvement and improved self-esteem.
You can visit the KidSport Lethbridge website and download the application here.
Please forward the completed form to the LLA Program Director at to have the club portion of the form filled out.
Coaching Clinic - Competitive Introduction Clinic Day 1
Big Marble Go Centre - Medicine Hat
Required for all first year coaches and both head coaches and assistants in U15 and U17 divisions.
Come Try Lacrosse - Free
Servus Soccer Center - Lethbridge
🔥 Come Try Lacrosse Event - No Experience Needed! 🔥 Want to try a fast, exciting sport this spring? Lacrosse is calling!
Coaching Clinic - Competitive Introduction Clinic Day 2
South Alberta Collegiate - Medicine Hat
Required for all first year coaches and both head coaches and assistants in U15 and U17 divisions.