Lethbridge Lacrosse Association
AGM Minutes
Sunday, October 30, 2022
7:15 p.m. Servus Center Board Room
A. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:21 pm
B. Roll call of members: Heather Misek, Marty Thomas, Dawn Thomas, Sue Medhurst, JJ Telford, Coreen Bates,
Jackie Anderson-Lea, Rick Konynenbelt, Devon Lyons, Mike Medhurst, Chris Kukucha, Carmen DeLauw, Chance
Bonneau, Dan Fyfe, Brock Draper, Jon Doan, Curtis Mullen
C. Motion to adopt the Agenda Rick, 2 Nd JJ Passed
D. Motion to adopt the Minutes of previous AGM as presented: Rick, 2 nd JJ Passed
E. Business arising from minutes of previous AGM: None.
F. Presidents report: As attached from Mike.
G. Treasurers report: As attached from JJ.
H. Committee Reports: No reports given.
I. Notices of Motion: None.
J. New Business: No new business presented
K. Approval of Associations Finances: MOTION BY HEATHER: Not to approve financial statement as presented.
Seconded by Jackie. Passed. Discussion around the motion it was decided that Heather, Jackie, Sue, and Dawn
would sit on a subcommittee to address issues within the Financial Statement.
L. Election of Directors:
? Treasurer - JJ Telford incumbent, JJ let his name stand, no other nominations. Elected by acclamation.
? Director of Tournaments - Dawn Thomas incumbent, Dawn let her name stand, no other nominations.
Elected by acclamation.
? Director of Officials - Tyrel White, Tyrel is declining to let his name stand. Dan Fyfe was nominated by
Rick, 2 nd by Sue. Dan accepted the nomination. No other nominations. Elected by acclamation.
? Director at Large - Rick Konynenbelt incumbent, Rick let his name stand, no other nominations. Elected
by acclamation.
? Equipment Manager - Marty Thomas incumbent, Marty let his name stand, no other nominations.
Elected by acclamation.
? Secretary - one year term as Carmen is stepping down. Coreen Bates was nominated by Rick, 2 nd by Sue.
Coreen accepted the nomination. No other nominations. Elected by acclamation.
M. Motion to adjourn: Mike 2 nd Rick at 7:53 pm Passed